Friday, May 15, 2009


Common Indian Krait
Bungarus caeruleus
Description: Black or bluish-black with white narrow crossbands and a narrow head.
Characteristics: Kraits are found only in Asia. This snake is of special concern to man. It is deadly--about 15 times more deadly than the common cobra It is active at night and relatively passive during the day. The native people often step on kraits while walking through their habitats. The krait has a tendency to seek shelter in sleeping bags, boots, and tents. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes respiratory failure.
Habitat: Open fields, human settlements, and dense jungle.
Length: Average 90 centimeters, maximum 1.5 meters.
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The Iraq Government ordered the Baghdad Zoo officials to euthanise three wild boars. Wild boars were put into sleep by the Zoo authorities with hard heart. These 10-year-old wild boars in Baghdad were killed as a precautionary measure to thwart an outbreak of swine flu.
The wild boars were put into sleep in a humane way. This was being done “to break a barrier of fear” zoo visitors developed during the recent days due to the worldwide spread of swine fever.
These wild boars were tested for the presence of H1N1 virus (swine flu virus) prior to death and found to be negative for the epidemic disease of swine flu. This is again a selfish act of the human being. Human beings are leading a comfortable life at the cost of life of other living beings. Now, it is the time for PIGS…

Snake of the Day

Common cobra Naja naja
Description: Also known as the Asiatic cobra. Usually slate gray to brown overall. The back of the hood may or may not have a pattern.
Characteristics: A very common species responsible for many deaths each year. When aroused or threatened, the cobra will lift its head off the ground and spread its hood, making it more menacing. Its venom is highly neurotoxic, causing respiratory paralysis with some tissue damage. The cobra would rather retreat if possible, but if escape is shut off, it will be a dangerous creature to deal with.
Habitat: Found in any habitat cultivated farms, swamps, open fields, and human dwelling where it searches for rodents.
Length: Average 1.2 meters, maximum 2.1 meters.
Distribution: All of Asia.


Conservation of wildlife is not only to save the animals & trees but to save their habitat with the care and safe. So that they can live in the nature safely.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hi, this is Mohit H Trivedi the game ranger of HTSRP